Spiritual Direction and Discipleship 

Music entertainment is not our goal in a Sunday service. Our goal is to worship, deepen our relationship with God, and lead people to worship Him. In order to do this, we must continue to grow in our relationship as Christ followers and seek mentors and spiritual growth. 
A Counseling and Spiritual Mentor for Your Team- Scott Jimmerson

Music entertainment is not our goal in a Sunday service. Our goal is to worship, deepen our relationship with God, and lead people to worship Him. In order to do this, we must continue to grow in our relationship as Christ followers and seek mentors and spiritual growth. 
Scott Jimmerson is the primary lead for spiritual development and mentoring. He has over 30 years of pastoral experience in both worship and pastoral counseling. Scott was a worship leader for over 20 years in New Mexico where he helped cultivate and grow worship teams. He then served in pastoral counseling and mentoring at Sagebrush in New Mexico (one of the largest churches in the US with over 10 campuses). Currently, he is helping to mentor and cultivate church leaders and pastors. 
In addition to his pastoral work, Scott grew up on the mission-field where his father was a missionary. He has served in missions in countries such as China, Indonesia, Russia, Myanmar, and many more. 

Here is a message from Scott- 

"The struggle for individuals and the gathered church to 'worship in spirit and in truth' [Jn4:24] is painfully apparent. It is the age old struggle between worship for personal gain vs. the Father’s glory. Today, more than ever, with everything at stake in the church in America, we must address what hinders people “seeking” Him. 

Here then are areas of hindrance/erosion that must be addressed if we are to lead His people toward the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose for our lives individually and corporately:

  • Personal Holiness: [Jn4:24] 
  • Unity: [1Jn4:7,8] 
  • Respect and Expectation of Church Leadership: [1Thes5:12,13]
  • Excellence: [IIPet1:5-8] 
  • Growth of Identity in Christ: [Gal2:20]

Ego has always been a competitor for center stage in corporate worship. (Denial of this dynamic leads only to erosion or at best, stagnation in worship.) The answer does not lie in false humility (leading to eroding excellence) or in comparative statements of appreciation for each other (further fueling the problem), but in the conscious invitation of the Spirit to occupy the center place in worship. Yes, this sounds obvious, but even our physical 'staging' screams of a competing centrality. When worship leadership and individuals are daily/weekly growing in unity toward the vision of, 'Christ in you, the hope of glory,' all else will find its place. [Col1:27]"

Scott Jimmerson