Lap Steel Lessons in Nashville, TN and Virtual Lessons
Lap Steel Instructor in Franklin, TN and surrounding areas
Online (Virtual) Lap Steel Lessons and In Person
JJ Music gives in-person and online lessons for lap steel. We focus on open G, E, and D tunings. If students are also interested in learning pedal steel or dobro they can learn that at the same time.
What is a lap steel guitar?
Rather than being a specific instrument, lap slide guitar is a method of playing lap steel that is frequently used in Hawaiian, blues or rock songs. The term "slide" is frequently used instead of "steel" by performers of various genres, and they occasionally use a flat pick or their fingers in place of fingerpicks.How hard is the lap steel guitar to learn?
The lap steel is one of the more affordable and easy instruments to learn in comparison to the dobro and pedal steel. The pedal steel guitar is one of the hardest instruments to learn. It also is expensive to get into. While slightly easier to learn Dobro is just as expensive- budget for at least 2 grand for either pedal steel or dobro. Lap steel, on the other hand, is much more affordable with an easier learning curve. Budget maybe $400 or less for a used one. They are also portable and easy to carry around for gigs. You can also plug them into your guitar rig if you are a guitarist and do not have to make as many changes- dobro and pedal steel need their own setups.