Producing Synth Sounds and Keys for Alternative Rock

Last Updated 5/6/2022in Nashville Music Producer , Utility Player

Splicer Synth in Komplete Kontrol by Native Instruments

Utility Player and Producing Keyboard Sounds/ Synth

Jon plays utility instruments such as keys, pedal steel, lap steel, dobro, guitars, etc. He is a producer and recording engineer. In this track he is producing synth sounds for an alternative rock song for a client using Komplete Kontrol by Native Instruments. 

Producing Alternative Rock with Keys

Jon is using an Aturia KeyLab 49 to trigger synth sounds in Native Instruments. He is well versed in a variety of sounds and synths that can be used in any scenario. 

Songwriting for Original Rock Music

Jon is helping with the preproduction, songwriting, and recording of the project. As a full time producer and session player he is passionate about recording quality songs. 

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